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What Is A Tooth Filling And When Should A Tooth Be Filled?

Tooth Filling

One of the treatments for a decayed tooth can be filling the decayed tooth. Typically, if X-rays show that the tooth’s pulp or soft tissue is damaged, the dentist often fills the tooth. The continuous bacterial activity can cause infection over time and damage to this part of the tooth. If such an important issue is not addressed as soon as possible, the infection may spread and cause tooth decay. After such a situation, the dentist advises people to fill their decayed teeth. No specific age can be mentioned in this regard. Such a condition can occur at any age and for any tooth. As long as oral hygiene is not observed, your teeth may decay at any age, and you may need to dental fillings. The filling process can be both permanent and temporary. In essence, this process is two-stage, the first part of which is temporary. During the first stage, the teeth are temporarily filled with fillings. If the person being treated is not allergic to filler materials and structures, the temporary raw materials are removed and replaced with permanent materials.

During the filling process, we seek to remove the decayed tissue and replace it with filling material. This process will maintain the tooth’s strength, and the process of chewing, digestion, and digestion of food will be improved. Different materials are usually used to fill teeth. Each of which is used for a specific purpose. The important point is that the filling material used for the front teeth should be brighter.

When your tooth becomes infected and decayed, you probably need to pull it out or fill it. To find out when you need to fill your teeth, it is best first to be familiar with the symptoms of infection and tooth decay.

The most obvious sign of tooth decay can be a pain while eating and chewing hot and cold foods. If you are experiencing this condition continuously for several days, it is better to see your emergency dentist check your teeth. After tooth filling, you may experience at least some of the following conditions:

-Mild to severe toothache while chewing food

-Swollen gums just around a decayed tooth.

– Signs of infection around the same tooth

-Swelling of parts of the face that are around the treated tooth.

-Darkening of the teeth

After filling treatment, the tooth may become sensitive and have mild pain, but it will subside after a while. You should practice good oral health and try to use products that are for sensitive teeth.  The filled tooth may wear out over time due to chewing. If you have habits such as grinding your teeth, your fillings will wear out sooner and need to be repaired.

If you are experiencing some signs of wear and tear, such as cracks in the fillings, see your emergency dentist immediately to have your fillings repaired. If you do not visit your dentist after the filling is worn out, your tooth may crack and require more complex repairs, which will also cost more. If the area around the fillings is rotten, your dentist may use a veneer instead of a second filling to repair that tooth.

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