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What Could A Vaginal Bleed During Pregnancy Mean?

What Could A Vaginal Bleed During Pregnancy Mean?

The causes of vaginal bleeding are many, and vary according to the age of gestation. For any bleeding during pregnancy, its best to contact Best Gynecologist in Islamabad.

Bleeding during the first trimester is common, and mostly not a cause for alarm. However, in the subsequent trimesters, bleeding is a serious finding. Read on to know about the various causes of bleeding during pregnancy:

First Trimester

As many as 20 percent of pregnant women bleed during the first trimester. The cause of bleeding is mostly implantation bleeding. This is the spotting that is observed from the first six to twelve days after conception as the egg implants into the uterine lining. Implantation bleeding can be mistaken for a light period and many women, therefore, don’t realize they are pregnant.

Cervical changes occur during pregnancy, with extra flow of blood to the cervix. Even a pap smear or intercourse can cause some light bleeding and is not a cause for concern.

Infection of the cervix or vagina, especially a sexually transmitted infection—like chlamydia, herpes, or gonorrhea—is associated with vaginal bleeding.

More serious causes for bleeding during the first trimester is miscarriage. During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the chances of a miscarriage are higher. But not every bleed is a miscarriage, so don’t be alarmed. Unless there is no heartbeat on the ultrasound, you haven’t miscarried despite the bleed.

Ectopic pregnancy can also present with bleeding in the first trimester. In ectopic pregnancy the embryo implants at a site other than the normal, mostly the fallopian tube. If it keeps growing, it can eventually rupture the fallopian tube and cause massive peritoneal bleeding and shock. However, the prevalence of ectopic pregnancies is only about 2 percent.

Molar pregnancy is not a viable pregnancy, and can present with vaginal bleeding. This is another rare condition with no fetus and an abnormal placenta. There is heavy bleeding in case of a molar pregnancy.

Second And Third Trimester Bleeding

Bleeding in the late pregnancy is always a cause for concern. Possible causes include:

Placenta previa occurs when the placenta is low lying, encroaching the cervical os. Due to the position of the placenta, there is painless vaginal bleeding. Placenta previa requires immediate medical attention.

Placental abruption is a complication in 1 percent of pregnancies. It involves the detachment of the placenta from the uterine wall, which results in massive bleeding. Placental abruption is a serious cause for concern and is dangerous for both the mother and the baby. Signs of placental abruption include clots from the vagina, abdominal pain, back pain and tender uterus.

Vasa previa is a rare condition, in which the developing blood vessels of the baby, from the umbilical cord or the placenta, cross to the birth canal opening. This is another serious condition because bleeding at this site can cause the baby to bleed severely and be dangerously oxygen deprived. The fetal heart rate becomes abnormal due to bleeding, and there is excessive blood loss.

Any cause of vaginal bleeding should be thoroughly check by Gynecologist in Islamabad.   

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