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What Are Dental Implants?

What Are Dental Implants?

dental implants

The dental implants are devices that are used in case of lack of teeth; they are inserted into the bone and aim to imitate the root of the teeth.

They can be single or multiple, inserted both in the mandible and in the maxilla, with minimally invasive surgeries or with bone regeneration in the most complex cases. The treatment is painless , always carried out under local anesthesia and associated with adequate drug therapy, with a generally minimal post-surgery and well accepted by the patient.

2) How long do dental implants last?

Dental implants have a considerable duration , in fact in the literature cases are frequently reported in decades. However, in order for dental implants to last so long, it is necessary to take great care of it: it is essential, for example, to maintain excellent oral hygiene , regularly undergo checkups and scrupulously follow the maintenance instructions indicated by the dentist and by the dental hygienist.

3) What problems can there be with dental implants?

Generally speaking, it is very difficult for a dental implant to give problems if the design of the case, the surgical execution and the maintenance of the implant have been well designed and implemented.
It is good to know, however, that although rarely, even dental implants can get sick .

In the case of implants, the disease does not refer to the screw or the external part of prosthetic material. What can happen over the years is that the gum around the vine becomes inflamed. In this way, one can have the risk of developing two distinct pathologies, called peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis.
Mucositis is reversible, peri-implantitis is not. In practice, a situation very similar to that which occurs in case of periodontitis is created , which if left untreated leads to the inevitable loss of the tooth.

As far as the risk related to materials is concerned, dental implants are made of titanium , so the possibility of rejection or allergy is eliminated which, however rare, is however possible with other types of fixed or mobile prostheses.

4) Are dental implants related to age?

Small premise: a good dentist professional should always try to prefer the recovery of the natural tooth , be it with Endodontic, Conservative, Periodontology or Surgery techniques.
In cases where this is not possible or indicated for the patient, dental implants are a type of treatment recommended from young adult age onwards .

The elderly , on the contrary to what one might think, can be excellent candidates for implantology even in the case of other pre-existing diseases, it being understood that an implant must pass through an accurate diagnostic, anamnestic and radiographic evaluation before being carried out.

5) What are the costs for an installation?

Implantation for a single tooth is a relatively expensive operation, but no more than many other dental treatment

The costs are essentially attributable to the cleaning of the room and the sterilization of the instruments and materials used, the implant components used by the specialist, the dental laboratory for making the prosthesis to be mounted on the implant (s), the implantologist surgeon and the the possible presence of other operators, and the professionalism of the dentist who applies the final prosthesis on implant / s.

It should be specified that it is possible to shorten the time and reduce the sessions necessary for the realization of the implant, up to an implant surgery + immediate loading of the implants on the same day . In most cases, however, it is advisable to respect the biological times and allow a few months to elapse between the surgery and the prosthesis / implantation, so as to lengthen the operating times and be able to help with a possible payment delay.

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