I Love Fitting Room Business The Importance of Testing Your Household Water Supply

The Importance of Testing Your Household Water Supply

The Importance of Testing Your Household Water Supply

People go to great lengths to ensure they reside in a healthy living space, but one area that is neglected more than it should be is the household water supply. This is understandable, as drinking water in the United Kingdom is tightly regulated, tested frequently, and generally regarded as safe and of good quality. However, your water company’s responsibility for the quality of your drinking water ends at the connection to your house, meaning issues can still arise.

Safe and Pleasant Drinking Water

The biggest reason why water testing is so important is because your water supply could contain harmful substances, like copper, lead and nickel, even in spite of the regulations that are in place. These materials most commonly make their way into your water supply through tap fittings or pipes and can adversely affect the quality of your drinking water.

Lead in drinking water can be especially problematic, as it can be harmful to human health, even at low levels of exposure. However, as the UK Government website outlines, drinking water with high levels of copper can also potentially cause unpleasant symptoms, like diarrhoea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

On top of this, the presence of unwanted substances in your drinking water, even at levels that are unlikely to cause harm, may adversely affect taste. So, if you want to brew high-quality coffee at home, or make the perfect cup of tea, it may be a good idea to test your water and take steps to resolve any issues as quickly as possible.

Preventing Damage to Your Hair

Although the number one priority when testing your household water supply should be health and well-being, it is worth noting that the presence of unwanted substances in water can lead to other problems too. One of these, which is often overlooked, is damage done to your hair by washing it with contaminated tap water.

According to the Belgravia Centre, the presence of lead in your water supply can contribute to both male and female pattern baldness. Meanwhile, copper in water can lead to a copper build-up in your hair, causing hair to appear dull and lifeless. This issue is potentially exacerbated by the use of hair dyes and other hair products.

It should be noted that some issues with washing your hair using contaminated or impure water will also affect hair extensions. Therefore, if you are looking to properly wash extended or thickened hair using tap water, it can be beneficial to test your water supply for harmful substances and resolve any issues that are detected first.

Final Thoughts

While UK drinking water is regarded as completely safe, this is only guaranteed up until the point it connects to your house. Corrosion of pipes and issues with tap fittings can still cause unwanted substances to contaminate your drinking water, which is why testing your household water supply is so crucial. Without knowing your water is sufficiently pure, you could risk illness, issues with the taste of your water, or damage to your hair.

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