I Love Fitting Room Supplements Personalized Vitamins as a Pathway to Better Energy Levels

Personalized Vitamins as a Pathway to Better Energy Levels

Personalized Vitamins as a Pathway to Better Energy Levels

Many people seek vitamin solutions because they are fatigued, but they may land on the wrong solutions if they are left to navigate the confusing options in the vitamin industry. This is why there are personalized vitamins.

If we had to come up with the most common complaint from our patients, fatigue and lack of energy would be it. It seems that just about everyone we see feels, at least some of the time, more tired than they should be. Feeling energetic and well-rested can make or break just about every aspect of our lives, including our health, productivity at work, even our home life and relationships.

Sometimes when people get into a downward spiral, their lack of energy makes it hard to take care of themselves properly, and that only worsens the problem. Unraveling all of these issues is essential to remedying them. The background for energy- and fatigue-related complaints varies a great deal by stage of life:

  • The young singles (twenty-somethings) tend to “burn the candle at both ends” by overdoing it at work and play. They stay out too late, drink too much, eat less than healthfully, work long hours, and then expect to start all over again the next day. They may “recover” on the weekend by sleeping in and exercising, but healthy living is the exception more than the rule.

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  • The parental set are the parents of younger children who feel like they are running on an endless treadmill, exhausted all the time. They are up frequently at night with their children and have little time to themselves after work and child care responsibilities are done. They feed their exhaustion with kid-friendly, unhealthful snacks, and they tend to neglect their own health at the expense of doing everything for everyone else.
  • The forty- and fifty-somethings have replaced changing diapers with a new set of stressors. Career responsibilities peak as parenting older tween, teen, and young adult children bring on new challenges. They may also be assuming care for aging parents. Middle-aged people notice they have more trouble sleeping and take longer to recover from minor illnesses and injuries. They also feel the effects of alcohol and caffeine more significantly.
  • The Medicare set find they struggle with sleep. They awaken too early and find that daily activities take more out of them than they once did. They have more time to devote to taking care of themselves, but more ailments to boot.

The above generalizations about each cohort are just that. Of course, individuals at any given stage of life may have vastly different experiences. These profiles are simply common ones that we see.

Why is this important? Each of these stages is marked by habits and patterns that contribute to feeling fatigued and lackluster. They are modifiable behaviors and remediable symptoms that can be improved by a combination of lifestyle changes and replenishment of missing nutrients.

A vitamin personalized assessment is one method to determine which nutrients might be beneficial to boosting energy for your specific profile. These assessments will calibrate the dosing to the individual and result in a better, more personalized approach to boosting energy levels with vitamins.

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