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Nutrition in Nursery: How to Ensure Your Child Eats Healthy While Away from Home

Nutrition in Nursery: How to Ensure Your Child Eats Healthy While Away from Home

Sending your child to nursery is a significant step in their development journey. It’s an exciting time as they embark on new adventures, make friends, and learn valuable skills. However, as parents, one of your primary concerns may be ensuring that your child continues to eat healthily while they’re away from home. In this blog post, we’ll explore strategies and tips on how to ensure your child maintains a nutritious diet during their nursery days.

Communication with Nursery Staff

Open and clear communication with the nursery staff is essential when it comes to your child’s nutrition. Make sure the nursery is aware of any food allergies or dietary restrictions your child may have. This will help them plan meals that are safe and suitable for your child. Regularly check in with the nursery to discuss your child’s eating habits and any concerns you may have.

Pack Healthy Snacks

Many nurseries provide snacks, but it’s a good idea to pack some healthy options that you know your child enjoys. Include items like cut-up fruits, whole-grain crackers, or yogurt. Packing these snacks ensures that your child has access to nutritious options throughout the day.

Balanced Lunches

If your nursery allows you to pack your child’s lunch, take advantage of this opportunity to provide a balanced meal. Include a source of protein (such as lean meat, beans, or tofu), a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables, and a whole-grain item (like whole wheat bread or brown rice). Be mindful of portion sizes and opt for water or milk as a beverage.

Teach Healthy Eating Habits

Even at a young age, children can learn about healthy eating habits. Talk to your child about the importance of eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables, the benefits of drinking water, and the occasional treats in moderation. Encourage them to try new foods and be a positive role model by practicing healthy eating habits at home.

Create a Food Diary

Consider maintaining a food diary for your child during their nursery days. Include details of what they ate, how much, and any comments or observations about their mealtime behaviour. This diary can be a valuable tool for tracking their nutrition and identifying any patterns or concerns.

Involve Your Child

Involving your child in meal planning and preparation can make them more excited about healthy eating. Let them help choose fruits and vegetables at the grocery store or assist in packing their lunch. When children feel a sense of ownership over their food choices, they are more likely to embrace healthy options.

Bottom Line

Maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet for your child during their nursery days is achievable with planning, communication, and patience. With your guidance and the support of the nursery staff, your child can enjoy a healthy and nourishing diet while they embark on their exciting nursery journey.

Bright Little Stars is a trusted nursery and day-care centre with a presence in various locations, including Harrow, Mill Hill, Stanmore, Stratford, Barnet, and Watford. Our commitment to providing exceptional childcare services ensures that your child receives the best care and early education in a nurturing and stimulating environment. Visit to explore our programs and facilities.

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