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Is Gaming a Gateway to Gambling Addiction?

Is Gaming a Gateway to Gambling Addiction?

It’s no secret that video games are addictive to some people. People can become so immersed in gaming that they have trouble putting their controller down, even when it’s time to eat or go to work. But what may surprise you is that a recent study suggests that many people who become addicted to gaming also become gambling addicts later on in life and end up needing professional help from a rehab centre. Could your gaming be leading to gaming addiction symptoms?

The Link Between Video Games and Problem Gambling

If you’re someone who struggles with video games, it may be tempting to start betting on real-life events as a way of curbing your desire for other vices. Don’t let that happen: The link between gambling and gaming has been well documented and is clearly supported by studies. One recent survey found nearly 15 percent of adolescents who play online games regularly have gambled at least once in their life.

Studies have also shown a correlation between problem gamblers and video game players, with one study even suggesting an alarming relationship between compulsive gamers and those who struggle with compulsive gambling. For example, many gamblers will use sports betting or casino games to distract themselves from depression or other issues they might be facing in their lives.

Why Video Games Are Addictive

It might seem silly, but video games are addictive because they provide an escape from reality. We live in a world where we have responsibilities and commitments; games let us forget about all of that and be someone completely different for a while. It’s also quite easy to lose track of time while playing video games, meaning they can easily take over your entire day if you’re not careful.

A Closer Look at Online Gaming Disorder

Video games have been an integral part of young people’s lives for decades. For some, however, these virtual worlds can lead to significant problems. In some cases, gaming habits can even be symptoms of mental illness—such as Internet gaming disorder (IGD). If you notice that your child is experiencing extreme reactions when not playing video games or seems preoccupied with gaming in general, it might be time to take action.

Symptoms of Online Gaming Disorder

Video game addiction is often hard to spot because most of us enjoy playing games for fun. However, addiction is serious and includes symptoms such as loss of control, giving up responsibilities and relationships with others, hiding gaming activity from family members or friends, using gaming as a way to escape from stress or problems in life, and not being able to stop playing video games even though you want to. If you are suffering from video game addiction these symptoms can be an indication that it’s time for treatment.

In Closing

Just as smartphones and tablets can provide easy access to games, they can also be easily used for online gambling. In fact, recent research found that approximately 10 percent of people who do not consider themselves gamblers at all have engaged in online gambling. Gamers who may not consider themselves addicts are often victims of addiction through gateway activities like gaming—and there’s no need for these compulsive behaviours to escalate into something bigger.

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