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How Is Composite Veneer Polishing Done?

How Is Composite Veneer Polishing Done?

Composite veneer polishing is a dental treatment that is done to prevent problems with your mouth and teeth. The dental polishing treatment method makes your teeth whiter, brighter, and without stains. Polishing the teeth promotes health and beauty. Composite veneer polishing is to create a smooth and very glossy surface, which is of special importance for oral health. Composite veneer polishing should be done optimally to minimize composite veneer dental problems such as abrasion, gingivitis, recurrent caries, and any long-term defects in the composite veneered tooth.

Contouring, finishing, and polishing are the most important stages of dental composite veneers that are effective in durability. For this reason, composite veneer finishing and polishing methods are updated with advanced technology. Poorly finished composite veneers can cause several problems such as plaque build-up, higher erosion, gingival irritation, and recurrent caries.

What Are The Dental Polishing Advantages?

This treatment not only polishes the tooth but also removes bacteria, stains, and plaque on the tooth’s outer surface. This method is painless treatment. On the other hand, the patient feels that his teeth are clean and smooth immediately after polishing.

Stages Of Dental Composite Veneer Polishing

First, the dentist examines the apparent defects of the patient’s teeth or problems with the previous composite veneer.

If the composite veneers are already done fully, the veneer can be reshaped by preserving the previously applied composite veneer. Due to the presence of cracks or any other damage, layering requires high skill and experience.

To reconstruct the composite veneer, dentists use a layer of composite veneer with the appropriate amount and tools to help in the formation of the materials. Dentists usually use anterior brushes or any of the various tools sold in composite veneer kits with resin materials to form the layer.

After bonding between the composite veneer and the enamel, dentists use sandblasting for polishing and then phosphoric acid for 30 seconds for rinsing.

After hardening the composite veneer surface, its surface finishing should be done. Defining transmission lines is the first step in finishing. For a better view, a pen should be used to clean the very soft space around the transmission lines’ surface.

Then dentists can use special tools to highlight the front surface of the tooth. They can use Arkansas stone at low speed to create a smoother surface. If the composite veneer is formed well, the time spent at this stage is very short. After finishing, a polishing rubber tool is used to finish the composite veneer polishing.

Composite Veneer Polishing Technique

Two-stage and multi-stage polishing techniques are used to polish the composite veneer. To become more familiar with the polishing methods, the difference between these two steps will be examined:

One-step Technique

This technique was introduced using diamond polishers to reduce preparation time. This method is called single-stage because, in this technique, contouring, finishing, and polishing can be completed using a single tool.

Multi-step technique

This method uses different tools for contouring, polishing, and finishing for composite veneer polishing. The results of dental composite veneer polishing with the multi-stage technique are much better in durability than single-stage polishing.

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