I Love Fitting Room Health and Fitness How Eco-Sustainable Coffee Is Produced

How Eco-Sustainable Coffee Is Produced


For decades, we have been relying on industrial agriculture to produce grains, vegetables, fruits and other products, including the tea and coffee that we drink on a daily basis. Unfortunately, an enormous amount of artificial fertilisers and pesticides pollute soil, waterways, air and worse, our edible products each year. Today, a growing number of producers and farmers are taking a different path and choosing a more sustainable way to grow the foods that we eat and the beverages that we drink. We already have compostable coffee pods and organic coffee capsules, so the next step is to focus on the coffee that we use in our cafes and that we put into those pods.

Eco-Sustainable Agriculture

The basic principles of eco-sustainable agriculture include proper water management, a well-maintained biodiversity and healthy soil. Agroecology is a relatively new science for managing farms and plantations as thriving and natural ecosystems. Coffee farmers and producers need to work with nature instead of against it, to produce high-quality coffee.

Here Are Ways Eco-Sustainable Coffee Plantations Are Managed:

Crops Rotation- eco-sustainable coffee producers don’t always produce coffee. New coffee plants start bearing fruit after four years and become fully productive after seven years. These plants will produce the best coffee quality for fifteen more years, before they start to decline in production. Planting the same type of crops for decades will reduce soil nutrients, causing chronic dependence on artificial fertilizers.

Reducing Tillage- plowing or tillage is a way to prepare fields for the next planting season. It aerates the soil and removes weeds, but also causes the loss of fertile components of the soil, making farmers more dependent on fertilisers. When preparing new coffee plants, organic farmers only till the area where seeds are about to be planted.

Integrated Pest Management- instead of using pesticides and herbicides, organic farmers choose green biological and mechanical methods. Natural predators are introduced to limit the population of pests. Diluted vinegar or corn gluten meal solutions can be sprayed around coffee plants to deter the growth of weeds. These natural solutions are not only safe, but also cheaper than herbicides.

Compost From Coffee Plant Leaves- for maximum berry production, coffee plants need to be pruned regularly. Excess leaves can be shredded to make compost. It takes between six to twelve months to produce usable compost from fresh leaves. Combined with coffee capsule compostable products, today’s coffee is eco-friendlier than ever.

Contact Novell Coffee Trade

To learn more about the newest trends in coffee and café service and how some companies and offices are going green with their coffee, contact Novell Coffee Trade and shop a wide selection of specialty coffees today!

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