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Drug Addiction Treatment: Drug Addiction Atlanta

Drug Addiction

What is Drug addiction Atlanta?

Addiction to drugs or alcohol is an unhealthy relationship where you use more of the substance than you would like to use and continue to use despite the negative consequences. A very realistic perspective of heroin addiction is portrayed in the brilliant 1996 Film with Ewan McGregor Trainspotting. However this is just one image of drug addiction.

Alcohol dependence is often overlooked as an addiction due to it being legal and socially acceptable, something most of us indulge in from time to time. According to a survey of adults who have used one or more illicit drugs within the last year Cannabis is the drug most likely to be used followed by powder cocaine, but it seems all the attention and treatment is focused on opiates and it is important to consider the other side of the addiction coin.

Signs & Symptoms of Addiction

The medical definition of an addiction is classified by the DSM IV and the World Health Organisation ICD10. You will need to meet three or more of the following criteria to be classified as dependent:

1) Tolerance: A need to use more over time for the same desired effect.

2) Withdrawal: Experiencing physical or emotional withdrawals. Shakes, sweats, low moods, irritable.

3) Limited Control: Using more than you intended over increased periods of time.

4) Desire to cut down: Attempts to cut down or stop not being successful.

5) Significant time or energy spent using: A great deal of time spent thinking about using, getting, planning and concealing your drug or alcohol use.

6) Neglected activities: Work, family or recreational activities are neglected to use drugs or alcohol.

7) Negative Consequences: Physical or mental health is adversely affected but still continues to be used.

Who is affected by Drug addiction Atlanta?

It is estimated that around 10% of any population is addicted to drugs or alcohol. Addiction is more common than diabetes and crosses all socioeconomic boundaries teachers, plumbers and CEO’s suffer with addiction. It is not just limited to poorer or less educated parts of society there is a growing number of professionals in full time employment who are juggling a full time career with their hidden addiction.

It is not to be underestimated the daily struggles a person will face in the battle against the chronic relapsing qualities of addiction fluctuating between hope and setbacks. A large part of the work is to explore with people their fears of giving up and sharing tools for survival in the darkest times of their addiction. I have worked for years supporting people with addictions on an emotional roller coaster of desperation and celebration. Some make it to sobriety and feel absolutely great when they have completed treatment, for others abstinence will not be their goal but staying alive, becoming more aware and making healthier choices. Getting back the control of their life is enough to turn sadness into laughter.

Consequences of Drug addiction Atlanta

People are often able to overlook the destruction they cause in their home, work or business in exchange for stimulating the pleasure centre in the brain which also provides temporary relief from any painful memories. The adverse consequences caused by addiction are often the focus in the treatment of addiction but the reality is there is a feel good factor which may act as a payoff to the negative consequences.

The short and long term consequences to your health from addiction can be a heart attack, respiratory failure, a coma, high blood pressure, dizziness, impotence, blurred vision, paranoia, psychosis, nausea, a hangover, depression, lung damage and vein damage the adverse health effects of addiction do not discriminate any of these may affect your health even if you are just a recreational user.

Drug addiction treatment

Opiate treatment remains the main drug for which people receive treatment for, 49% of all treatments in the UK. The majority of the drug treatment budget in the UK is spent on substitute prescribing, a cost effective medical model of providing a one size fits all treatment to the masses. It entails going to your local drug service every other week to be given a methadone prescription after a 15 min intervention about your drug consumption, which you then collect daily if on supervised consumption or perhaps weekly if unsupervised from your local chemist. Either way it can be a humiliating and very public process that is extremely inconvenient if you are in full time employment.

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