I Love Fitting Room Massage 5 Reasons You Should Schedule a Professional Massage

5 Reasons You Should Schedule a Professional Massage

5 Reasons You Should Schedule a Professional Massage

While having a massage feels like a luxury to most people, researchers suggest it is a necessity. A massage will soothe and relax your body, relieving you of aches and pains. A professional massage restores your natural balance, making you feel better and more effective at your daily activities.

While routine exercise offers similar benefits to massage, it can leave your muscles aching. Therefore, getting a professional massage is advisable as the therapist has hands-on techniques for gentle body movements that increase blood circulation, which helps relieve muscle tension.

Here are five reasons why you should schedule a professional massage.

1. Helps With Chronic Pain

With chronic pain becoming a common issue in our society, massage therapy has become a saving grace for many people. Professional massages relieve pain, improve energy levels, and create a calming environment for relaxation.

Getting professional Lexington KY massages can be a great remedy for:

  • TMJ disorders
  • Myofascial release
  • Trigger point therapy
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

2. Promotes Overall Good Health

Getting Lexington KY massages will decrease the cortisol hormone, which destroys natural killer cells, boosting your immune system. This explains why professional massage is recommended for cancer patients with compromised immune systems.

In addition, regular Lexington KY massages will improve your overall health by increasing your blood circulation, lymphatic circulation, lowering and stabilizing your blood pressure, and promoting healthier digestion. In return, you will enjoy better sleep, reduced stress levels, healthier skin and muscle, and a better range of emotions.

3. Helps With Sports Injuries

Visiting a physical therapist for Lexington KY massages is advisable if you have suffered an injury. These include fractures, sprains, strains, neck, and back injuries. Your therapist will suggest and perform manual therapies to promote muscle recovery and relaxation, relieving you from muscle tension, soreness, and tension.

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4. Reduces Stress and Improves Mood

Research reveals that up to 80 percent of disease is stress-related. These diseases include depression, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. By booking Lexington KY massages regularly, you will reduce your stress levels, hence disease prevalence. Massage also increases dopamine and serotonin, brightening your mood.

5. Provides Relief From Body Pain

Aches and pains can be centered in certain body areas, including those around your lower back. Such pain indicates an imbalance in the overall body alignment or a specific problem in an area. Postural issues, overuse, and imbalances can cause problems on your Quadratus Lumborum and QL muscles, especially if you sit for long hours or spend a lot of time bending forward.

This pain is common in warehouse workers, landscapers, gardeners, and other manual laborers. The constant contraction of the QL muscles reduces blood flow and, if untreated, causes muscle spasms. In the case of postural imbalances, your professional therapist will help get rid of knots and tension.

Schedule a Professional Massage in Lexington Today

A regular professional massage will offer physical, mental, and emotional relief, enabling you to maintain a healthy lifestyle effectively. Therefore, whether struggling with a health condition or simply a stressful schedule, try a professional massage for relaxation