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5 Foods that Promote Oral Health

5 Foods that Promote Oral Health

When it comes to oral health, flossing, brushing three times a day, using mouthwash, and avoiding sweet foods are standard methods people practice. Some even go as far as undergoing teeth whitening and monthly oral cleaning to improve their teeth and gum health. However, oral health also depends on the food and drinks you intake every day.

Of course, everyone knows that cutting down on sugary foods reduces the risks of developing cavities and plaque. Likewise, incorporating these five foods into your diet might give you healthier and stronger teeth and gums.


Got a sweet tooth? Instead of snacking on a piece of candy or chocolate bar, grab an apple. Apples are rich in water and sugars that promote good saliva production. Having enough saliva helps cleanse food particles and plaque that are stuck on your teeth. Your saliva also helps wash away bacteria from your pearly whites.

Unsweetened Tea

Milk tea and sweet tea are two favorite beverages of many people. Sure, they are delicious, but drinking too much may cultivate bacteria that cause plaque build-up, cavities, and tooth decay. Removing the sugar in your favorite tea might just reduce your risks of having rotten and painful teeth.

Unsweetened black and green tea are packed with polyphenols. These are micronutrients that decrease the growth of bacteria associated with teeth and gum disease. A 2010 study by the University of Illinois Chicago revealed that people who rinsed their mouths with black tea for one minute, at least ten times a day, had less plaque build-up compared to those who only rinsed with water.

In a sense, drinking unsweetened tea might reduce your risks of getting cavities and harmful oral bacteria. People who visit the milk tea cafes in the food tripping streets close to Urban Deca Homes in Tondo, Manila may go for fresh fruit teas instead of their usual sugary milk tea order.


It is no secret that milk and other dairy products are excellent sources of calcium. Calcium helps strengthen teeth and bones. Besides calcium, dairy products such as cheese offer other benefits that promote healthier teeth. According to a 2014 study published in the Journal of General Dentistry, eating cheddar cheese will induce lower acid levels than eating yogurt or drinking milk. Researchers of the study also suggest that eating cheese may encourage saliva production to wash away food scraps and bacteria.


Raisins are sweet and healthy alternatives to candy and other sweet treats. Despite being sweet, they don’t contain sucrose, or table sugar, which may damage tooth enamel. Raisins are also packed with phytochemicals that help eliminate bacteria that cause plaque and cavities. The dried fruits also have compounds that may kill bacteria associated with gum diseases.

Various Veggies

Vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, and celery are rich in vitamin C, promoting more robust and healthier gums. Vitamin C may also keep your gums, cheeks, and inner lips from getting canker sores caused by bacteria. Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, collard greens, and chard are low in calories and packed with vitamins and minerals that help boost your teeth and gum health.

Taking care of your teeth and gums is vital for your overall wellness. Add these five foods to your diet, brush daily, rinse with mouthwash, and floss to maintain healthy gums and strong pearly white teeth.

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